Missions Blog

Wedding Crashers: The Thailand Team Celebrates a Karen Wedding

January 6, 2015
Matt and Jamie Strmiska
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

On the eve of our one year wedding anniversary, we had the unique privilege of witnessing a Karen Wedding. Not only that but the second of the Christian Karen weddings in this village. The celebration began the night before with a gathering at the bride's family home. Even though our team of 15 are strangers to the family, we were invited to this intimate set together. We enjoyed homemade food and had the chance to pray over the soon to be married couple. The wedding ceremony itself was very special. It was God-centered and included villagers from around the surrounding community. Our team was even asked to sing and pray for the couple at the end.

Thinking back, if our wedding had 15 strangers from halfway across the world and they arrived in Fresno, would we have been as hospitable? Would we have even given them the time of day on our wedding day? Probably not. So we have much to learn from our brothers and sisters here in the hill tribes of Thailand. This is what Christ would have done - this is true hospitality.

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