Missions Blog

Trusting In God's Provision

May 20, 2015
Adam Olivares
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

I said, "Yes, I'll go to Haiti." But if I'm being honest, I wasn't sure how it was going to happen. By saying yes, was I being faithful to the prompting of the Spirit, or did I just eat a bad piece of chicken and wake up a little crazy? To come up with that amount of money in that short time? That was my biggest question when Chris asked me to go.

Oh ME of little faith.

Fast forward through some prayer and studying of His Word, and learning what God says about raising money for His work. I was encouraged, so I sent out a bunch of letters to friends and family, asking for prayer and partnership. But did I really believe yet? Not really, 'cause I'm stubborn like that. So there was some more prayer with my wife Shiloh, who had more faith than I did, and of course expressing more of my concern to Chris. "Have faith. Do the work, but trust Him," they both said. So I just kept praying and taking the steps God put in front of me to plan this trip.

As we all met as a team, breaking bread together, learning more about each other, and learning more about Haiti and Christian Friendship Ministries, I was getting excited about what God was doing in our group and what He was going to do through this group while in Haiti! And as we met, I heard stories about how God was working through all kinds of people, creating partnerships and opening up the floodgates of financial support. I was truly excited for them, but thought maybe I should tell Chris that wasn't going to happen for me. Maybe it was time to say I wouldn't be able to take the trip.

And then, just as God lifts the sun over the mountain after a dark night, a check came, and another, and then we had a successful tri-tip fundraiser. And in just over a week, my portion of this trip was completely funded by amazing friends and family that wanted to support me! What? How did that happen? Oh yeah, God was in control the whole time! He knew exactly all the people He was going to use to fund this trip and touch my heart deeply in the process.

God has come through so many times in my life. I don't know why I continually doubt Him. But I do. And I will probably do it again. He is God, and CLEARLY, I am not. And I needed another reminder of that. Because guess what? I never had to come up with any of that funding, 'cause He did. And He was planning on it the whole time. He can do whatever He wants to do and use whoever He wants to use, and He will always be glorified in the end.

The Haiti Team

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