Missions Blog

The Griffiths Back in Senegal

January 27, 2015
The Missions Team
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Seeking to know HIM and make HIM known

The following is an email update from Extended Family members, the Griffith Family. Subscribe to their updates.

Back in Senegal
We are back in Senegal. Praise God for a smooth flight, easy entry, and a place to stay for the time being. It actually feels really normal to be back and we are excited to start diving back into what God has us here to do. It has been fun to see good friends and we look forward to connect with more people in the days and weeks to come.

Apartment Search
We arrived yesterday and started looking for apartments today! We are praying that God provides just the right place and location that is best for learning Wolof and reconnecting to our church. We are planning on being in the Dakar area for about 6 months while we research the people group we are thinking about working with, learn Wolof, and reconnect with our church.

Praising God for his Goodness,
Del, Arielle, Ezra, Silas, and Abel

Prayer and Praise

Praise for a great time in Chicago and Maryland!!!
Other than leaving behind 2 carry-ons by accident and Abel fussing/crying much of our flight, it was actually a really nice flight and we are grateful for our travels and to be back!
Already being on the search for a place to call home for the next couple of months
Already seeing some of our friends! Oh my, how we missed them and it is so nice to see their faces in person and start to catch up!
Abel seems to be doing well here!

Prayer Requests:
Ezra: We noticed last term in Senegal that Ezra seemed to have a cold often, as well as breathing difficulties. He was great all furlough. I wasn't expecting that to come back so quickly, but it did--within 24 hours of being back. I think it is either allergies to something here, the dust, or the pollution of Dakar. I AM grateful we brought back inhalers with us! Pray for relief for him as well as wisdom for us in how to care for him.
The boys are doing okay... but could do better. They are tired and often not following our directions. They especially need to listen here for their safety in the streets. We want to love on them and be gracious during this time of transition, and be safe when out and about.
An apartment as already mentioned.

The boys enjoyed seeing the snow one last time in Chicago and Maryland before heading back to Senegal.
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