Missions Blog

Team Haiti: God Says, “Go”…we GO!

February 12, 2015
Bob Dewey
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

I’ve never been to Haiti. I have never been out of the country except to Mexico, but that was 20+ years ago and I was on my college Spring Break (sorry Mom). Why would I want to go to Haiti? What would I be doing? Who would be going with me? Where would I sleep, eat, shower? Why ME?

Well in December of last year I was approached by North Campus Pastor Chris Schultz and asked if I’d like to be part of a team of men to go to Haiti on an Exposure Trip. Having never given any thought of going on such a trip before, my initial thought was, “um no.” But after I hung up the phone and paused, God told me something different. He said, “Pack your bags.”

I’m a new Christian, having just come to faith in September of 2012. This was after my life was all but blown apart by 38 years of living selfishly and outside of God’s will. Like everything else I do, I jumped in head first and wanted to know as much as possible about Jesus, God, the Bible and how I should be living. I love my new life in Christ. I love my new outlook on living for eternity, not for tomorrow. But I find that I am still just doing things for me. That is about to change.

As I sat at the table with the other 8 men going to Haiti, our stories all sounded similar. Most have never been on an Exposure Trip or mission trip. Some, like me, haven’t been very far from home. We all love God and want to go where He needs us to go. And from the talk around the table, He needs us all to go to Haiti! We are all so excited and humbled that the God of the universe wants to use us for something, for anything!

I’m excited about the new experience, the new culture, the idea of “living out the gospel.” I’m nervous that I won’t be what they need or want. I’m not much on new food, so I plan on losing some weight (not a bad thing). I am looking forward to bonding with my new brothers from The Well and with the brothers we will meet in Haiti. Bottom line, God says, “go”...we GO! Keep us and the residents of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers as we begin this journey together.

Bob Dewey

Team Haiti 2015

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