Missions Blog

Heading Home-One Final Word from Team Costa Rica

July 5, 2014
The Feils
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Well today finds us on our last leg of our journey in Costa Rica. Yesterday we had our last day at our sites and also had a banquet with the staff, interns and our team. It was a fantastic night of celebrating what God has been doing in and through our team and in and through the ministry sites. There were a lot of hugs, pictures and goodbyes (maybe even some tears).

Let me tell you that in our debriefing and reflecting on this trip God has been so faithful! I want to list out some of the things I have heard from the team in terms of what God has been speaking to them and showing them:

  1. Love is universal (beyond language) and we are called to offer love to all. Our time in Philippians has been so very clear, especially in Philippians 2.
  2. We need to believe and rest in God's promises
  3. God has renewed several of our teachers in their calling to love and serve their kids in an urban context
  4. Learning to be more grateful for the blessings God has given them
  5. Desiring to be more hospitable and welcoming like the host families and the Costa Rican culture
  6. Daily time is God's Word was new and something most team members want to integrate in their lives
  7. Let their stuff be stuff and let it not own them
  8. Make people a priority over achieving tasks
  9. Be more present with people and off the cellphone

Those are just a few of the comments and take aways from the team members. God is good and it is evident He has gotten more glory because of this trip.

I appreciate your prayers and support over the last several months and especially over the last couple weeks. Keep praying for us as we have a wrap up session trying to put some next steps on paper and spend some time reflecting on Matthew 25:14-30.

We will be taking off today a bit early so our bus driver can watch the Costa Rica World Cup game and we fly out at 5pm. Pray for safe travels and awake minds as we drive back from LA to Fresno around 2am!

See you all soon!

-Andrew, Denise & Levi

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