Missions Blog

Extended Family Update - The Griffiths

July 7, 2015
The Missions Team
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Seeking to know Him and make Him known.

In This Post
  • Praise God! Car fully funded.
  • Wolof Breakdown
  • Prayer and Praise
  • Pictures

Praise God! Car fully funded.

Our car fund is fully funded, praise God! Thank you to all who have generously given. It is awesome to see how God uses the body to provide. Now we are trusting God for the right vehicle. The search has begun. Searching for a vehicle in another country brings its challenges regarding the reliability of the vehicle. Pray that God would lead us in this search and that we would find a vehicle that runs well, and fits our family and ministry needs - and the car fund budget.

Wolof Breakdown

Wolof has broken down this wall of noise that we have been kept out of since arriving. It is incredible to hear and start to understand what is going on around us. This has been a confirmation for us that the time has been well spent. It looks like our time in Wolof study will be coming to a close soon.

This means we are slowly gearing up for the next step. There are still all kinds of details to work out. We are trusting God as He always does a good job of leading us.

Thank you for the part you are playing! It means a lot.

Arielle had a birthday.

Abel turned 1 on June 13.

Prayer and Praise
  • For Wolof study and how well it has gone. We may continue a little longer depending on how long we will be in the city.
  • God provided for our car fund!
  • For an encouraging and refocusing time during our week of meetings.
Prayer Requests
  • For our next step toward a people group.
  • That we trust God and that He provides good connections.
  • For our nanny, who is coming in August to help us through our next transition, that God would be preparing her for all she will see and experience in Africa and that He will use her time here to grow her into a deeper understanding of who He is. And that we would be helpful/sensitive hosts to her needs and time here.
  • For our 1-year-old Abel to start sleeping better at night so we can function more normally during the day.

By His Grace,
Del, Arielle, Ezra, Silas and Abel


We had two weeks of meeting, which were very encouraging. It was tiring but good to refocus on what is most important. We also had the privilege of seeing old friends and teachers.

We ate delicious food and tried some new foods too.

This was our discussion group. It was amazing with the sound of the ocean in the background. We felt spoiled for a week.

We all loved taking swims during our free time.

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