Missions Blog

A Final Word from Team Guatemala

August 14, 2014
Connor Cunningham
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Before I came to Guatemala I had no idea what to expect. This made it really easy for God to work in my life; or at least that's what I thought.

Each of us spent our time in Guatemala living with a host family. I thought living with a host family was going to be distant and awkward. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was such an incredible blessing getting to connect with the people of Guatemala on a personal level through living together and having meals together.

The people of Guatemala are so strong in their faith and have such a beautiful relationship with The Lord. I have been around the church environment my whole life and have heard lots of prayers and said many more, however, I have never heard more passionate heart felt prayers. It is a thing of beauty to hear a passionate prayer in Spanish.

During my time in Magdalena I worked in the medical clinic alongside Dr. Sara Romero and nurse Paki. These two strong women of God have taught me so much more than just how to listen to someone's lungs or how to administer a shot correctly, but what it is to live surrendered to Christ. They showed me what love for the least of these looks like.

To sum up how God has changed me and my heart it would have to boil down to two major lessons. One is I learned and finally understand just how powerful prayer is. I have seen my prayers answered one after another and seen wonderful results from coming to God Humbly Submitted to Him. I was so blessed to work in the clinic because I had people who were in need of major prayer practically delivered to me in the doctor's office. The second lesson that has just wrecked my heart is how people here live Humbly Submitted to the Lord. One lady told a message to go along with our daily devotionals and it was so powerful I got all choked up over it. I sought her out after and thanked her. Her response, "Oh glory to God! I am so thankful and humbled to hear it touched your heart!" Wow, that's what it should look like. That's what a life sold out to glorify God is meant to be like!

People are so thankful for everything they have no matter how little, and they praise God in all situations and all circumstances. I'm so truly blessed to have been able to be taught through such incredible and life changing experiences here in Guatemala. God is so good all the time.

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